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You wake up to the sound of alarms blaring into your quarters as you see lights flashing.
Into your room rushes another person in a labcoat. "Dr. <<textbox "$name" You>>, there's been a containment breach." He tells you. "We need your help out there now!"
Do you [[go out at help|help]], [[ask for more details about what's even going on|ask]], or [[stay in your room and hide|hide]]?
<<set $armed to false>>
<<set $bright to false>>
<img src="">"Good, now come on!" He says as he runs out, turning right. "You may need a weapon though, but hurry up!" He tells you.
You see a sign on the wall. An arrow on it points left and reads "Arsenal," while another points right and reads "Containment."
Do you [[go right|Containment]] or [[go left|Arsenal]]?"What happened?" You ask the other doctor, a Dr. Jaime Marlowe.
"Dr. Bright happened." He tells you. "In one of his crazy antics, 682 got out. In the chaos that came after, 173 was released as well. So were a few others, from what I heard, but I hear conflicting info on what ones. Now come on! We need help."
Do you [[go help against the released creatures|help]], or do you [[stay and hide|hide]]?"I'm gonna stay here and save my own skin, thank you very much." You tell Dr. Marlowe.
He groans. "Fine. You can bury our bodies, then." He tells you, running out and turning right.
Do you [[change your mind|help]], or [[stay put|stay]]?You hear screams and what sounds like gunfire coming from in the hall, along with a large pounding noise.
Do you [[investigate the noises|investigate]] or [[stay put|still]]?You come out of the room and see no one, but you still hear the sounds coming from the right.
In front of you is a sign, one arrow pointing right and reading "[[Containment]]", and another pointing left and reading "[[Arsenal]]."
Which way do you go? Or do you [[go back into your room|stay]]? The stomping grows louder. Outside your room, through your window, you see a large figure that seems to be a giant reptile of sorts, similar to, but not quite like, an alligator. It looks into your room.
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[[What do you do now?|badend]]Once you get to the room, you see a bunch of other doctors fighting off a man, seemingly covered in red runes and wielding a large blade, almost unfazed by the gunfire. One of the doctors turns around, a large amulet around his neck and a nametag reading "Dr. Bright" on his coat. "Dr. $name, you're here!" He says. "Um, Abel woke up." He then says sheepishly. "Help us out!"
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Do you [[help fight off Abel|fight]] or [[turn back around|investigate]]?In the arsenal, you see a nondescript gun. That should help defend yourself.
<<set $armed to true>>
There doesn't seem to be anything else down this hall, though.
Now, it's time to [[go back the other way and help fight whatever's over there|investigate]]The beast busts into your room and runs at you at incredible speeds. There was nothing you could do as it comes in and eats you.
[[Would you like to try again?|start]]<<if $armed is true>> You take out the gun you found and aim at Abel, pulling the trigger. Out of the barrel comes not bullets, but a large laser, which seems to vaporize him. "Thank God you got that one." Bright tells you. "I'm sure he's regenerating inside 076-1 right now. Now, let's go take care of the rest of the skips that got out."
"That you let out." Another man in a labcoat corrects, his label reading "Dr. Clef."
"Shut up Clef, let's just fix it." Bright then tells him.
[[Now you can go further down the hall|hall]]
<<else>>You try to fight Abel hand to hand, but he slices at you with his sword and chops off your head in one slice. The last thing you see is the rage in his face. If only you had had a weapon.
Do you want to [[restart|start]]?<</if>>The hall soon splits off into two corridors. Down each one, eerie noises can be heard. Do you [[go left|SCP173]] or [[go right|SCP082]]?Down the hall, you see a statue standing in the hall. Around it are people laying on the ground with snapped necks. You know you are in danger.
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Do you [[run by and not look back|nolook]] or [[go by slowly and keep your eye on it|slow]]?Down the hall, you see bodies, or at least what was left of them. In the middle was a giant, greyish green man with odd proportions. "Oh hello." He says to you through clenched teeth, his French accent thick. "I am Fernand. I know you're one of the men who keeps me here. Are you here to give me my meal?"
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What do you do? Do you [[try to run|run]], [[try to fight him|shoot]], or [[try to lie your way out|lie]]?You run by and don't look back. Seconds after the statue leaves your line of sight, you feel your neck swiftly jerk to the side. As your body follows the momentum, you see the statue behind you in your last moments of consciousness.
[[It seems you have died. Try again?|start]]You keep your eye on the statue as you walk by. Bright comes in behind you. "Don't take your eye off of it." He tells you. "Follow my lead, we'll get him recontained."
Bright goes into an open containment room, and beckons you to follow. You do, making sure to watch the statue. Once in, Bright looks away. "Blink." He said, and you do. When you open your eyes, the statue is closer. You do it again and again until it is inside the room. You both back out, keeping an eye on it as you close the door, locking it in. It seems you're safe now. [[Time to keep going|SCP049]]You all soon reach where you see people standing around a cloaked figure, all standing in a half-slumped form. The cloaked man, though, stood straight, hands behind his back. He turns to face you all, revealing his long beaked mask. "Ah, doctors!" He says. "It's good to see others out to help cure the human race." He stops for a second, before leaning towards you. " aren't here to stop me, are you?"
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The slumped people all face you now as well, eyes dead and cold.
Do you [[shoot first, ask questions later|shoot049]], [[tell him the truth|tell]], or do you [[try to lie your way out|lie049]]As you try to run by, he grabs you in his giant hand, stopping you dead in your tracks. "Now, where are you going?" He asks. "I wanted my meal!" With that, he bites off your head, killing you instantly.
[[And so, the cannibal ate you. Try again?|start]]
<<set $armed to false>>
You fire at the beast, another laser coming out and hitting him. However, "Fernand" was not killed, but only knocked out. Some other doctors follow after hearing the shots. Leading them seems to be a dog in a labcoat, wearing glasses, with a nametag reading "Dr. Crow."
"Don't ask." Crow said as the group of doctors drag the unconscious cannibal back into his containment, the door, labeled "082," coming closed after they leave him in there. "That was a close one." Crow tells you. "Now hurry along. We've got others that need taken care of, too."
[[Guess it's time to keep going|hallway]]. Unfortunately, though, it seems that you fired the last round inside the gun."Uh, yes, it's on its way." You tell the large cannibal. "Uh, actually, I do have a snack for you until then, though."
"Oh, really?" He says, teeth clenched.
"Yes, uh, I'll leave it in your room." You say, going in and pretending to leave something in an unseeable corner, before going back out.
He passes by you to where the food would have been set, and turns back when he finds nothing. "Why you little...!" He starts, before you rush out of the door and close it, locking it behind you. You sigh, then continue down the hall. As you do, a group of doctors seems to catch up to you, led by a dog in a labcoat and glasses, with a nametag reading "Dr. Crow."
"Don't ask." He said, as if anticipating your question. "Let's just try to keep going."
They follow you as you head down the [[hallway]].You come across another split in the hall. One continues down this hall, reading "Containment" still, while the other says "Cafeteria."
Which way do you go? Do you [[keep down this hall|SCP682-1]] or [[go to the cafeteria|cafeteria]]?You pull out your gun and shoot the Plague Doctor ahead of you, the laser engulfing him and his minions, leaving behind nothing but the mask. Feeling your weapon, it seems light, like it's out of ammunition.
"Ooh, O5's gonna kill you." Bright tells you. "But...they'll understand, right?"
<<set $armed to false>>
You shrug, unsure, but thinking they would understand with your life in danger. [[You head out and go to find the others you need to contain|SCP682-1]]."You've breached containment 049." You tell him, eyeing the bodies lurching towards you slowly. "I'm afraid we're going to have to recontain you, unless you do so peacefully."
The man is silent behind his mask. "Get them." He tells the bodies as they rush you all. The bullets the others shoot at them do nothing, but you don't get a chance to shoot, as one rushes you and rips out your jugular, leaving you to bleed out as you watch them maul the others behind you as well.
[[And so, death reaches you. Try again?|start]]"We're just here to check up on you." You say to him. "Try and make your place a bit more comfortable, finally."
He relaxes. "Oh, good. Finally giving me some respect. Right this way, then." He says, taking his corpses in with him, before waiting for you to follow, but you close the door on him first, revealing the "049" printed on it. He starts screaming incomprehensibly.
"We'll make it up to you!" Bright yells to him from your side of the door. You sigh, as you [[continue down the hall|SCP682-1]]As you go down the hall, you hear a loud stomping noise. It grows louder, and a roar, then a human scream can be heard. You see a shadow nearing the corner.
Do you [[meet the beast and try to fight it|682death]], or do you [[run and hide|hiding]]?<img src="">
In the cafeteria, you see a strange toaster. Every time you think about me, I seem to make you think about me in the first person. I don't seem to pose any immediate threat, other than a slight annoyance, so you leave me be.
[[You leave the room and try to never think about me again.|SCP352]]You soon see a strange reptile approach.
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Before you have a chance to do anything, though, it rips right through you, leaving you dead.
[[Try again?|start]]Do you hide in the hall to the [[left|cafeteria]], the hall to your [[right|SCP096]], or [[try to run straight ahead and pass by it|682death]]?In the hall, you see an open door. Through it, you see a strange, pale, seemingly malnourished man pacing the far wall, with strange proportions. It turns towards you when it hears you.
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Do you <<if $armed is true>>[[try to shoot him|shoot096]],<</if>> [[run away before it can see you|096run]], or [[stay and face it, trying to intimidate it|watch]]?After you shoot it, it screams and runs at you, slamming into you and knocking the gun out of your hands, then unhinging its jaw, opening it almost as big as your body, and ate you.
[[I bet you tasted bad, though. Try again?|start]]You run passed the door and find the control panel, shutting it. It doesn't sound like he followed you out, so you should be safe.
I guess you're safe to [[go ahead|SCP019]]. I'm sure the other doctors are soon behind you.Once you look at its face, it starts to scream loudly and rushes at you. As you try to run, it catches you quickly, and unhinges its bottom jaw, extending it to almost four feet and eating you.
[[I guess he doesn't like being looked at. Try again?|start]]In the middle of the room, you see what looks like an ornate pot.
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Out of the top seems to crawl a strange, almost monkey-like creature running at you.
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Instinctively, you kick it away. The kick seems to be enough to kill it.
You look at the pot. What do you do?
Do you [[try to break the pot apart|breakpot]], [[try to move it into the nearest containment room|movepot]], or [[leave it behind you|leavepot]]?After you exit the cafeteria, you find what seems to be an old woman. You walk forwards cautiously, until you see a shimmer in the hall, almost like a web. What do you do?
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Do you <<if $armed is true>> [[shoot at the lady?|shoot352]],<</if>> [[try to run through the strange web|web]], [[turn back and go a different direction|SCP019]], or [[use your gun to break through the web first|break]]?You shoot right through the web and barely graze the woman. She turns to see you and runs at you. You try to fire again, but you're out of ammo, so you beat her upside the head with the butt of the gun when she gets close, kicking her once she was down to make sure she was out. You drag her into her room and close it, then look back to see doctors coming after you, led by the canine form of Dr. Crow.
Once they get close, Crow looks up at you. "You didn't kill her, right Dr. $name?" He asks. You shake your head. "Good. O5 would hate to lose another anomoly." He tells you. "Now let's go. We're almost out, and an MTF is on its way." He says, leading the way, [[beckoning you to follow|SCP359]]
<set $armed to false>As soon as your skin touches the web, you start to feel much weaker and much more docile as your tension and fear wear away. You stay still as the woman comes at you, a hungry look on her face.
[[Like a fly to a web. Try again?|start]]You use the butt of your gun to break the web, and work through it, making sure not to touch it. As the woman turns around, you hit her in the face with the gun and knock her out. You carefully drag her into her containment room, then get out and lock the door.
Doctor Crow walks up to you. "We're almost out, Dr. $name. Once we're there we'll wait out there for the MTFs to get here." He says, a few doctors following the dog-tor.
You nod, and [[continue onwards|SCP359]]In the next room, you can see what seems to be a predatory bird on top of a recently killed person in what seems to be an orange jumpsuit.
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Dr. Crow stops dead in his tracks. "Don't make any sudden movements or loud noises unless you want to end up like that D-Class there." He warns.
Upon closer inspection, the bird, a hawk, seems to be made entirely of metal. What do you do?
Do you <<if $armed is true>>[[shoot the bird|shoot359]],<</if>> [[try to sneak by the bird|sneak359]], or [[try to lure it back into containment|lure359]]?You hit the pot with your gun, but instead of breaking, it tips over. Out of it rushes a huge force of the strange beasts, who all rush you. While you can kick a few away, they soon overwhelm you. As such, they start tearing you limb from limb.
[[Try again?|start]]You try to move the pot. It seems heavy to pick up, though not impossible. As it is moved, nothing seems to happen until you get into the room, where you tip it a bit as you set it down. A few of the creatures seemed to flow out as you did that, before you tipped it back up and tried to kick them away, ending up with a few scratches on your legs. However, you did kill them. You get out and close the door, wrapping up your wounds with ripped off parts of your labcoat as Dr. Bright and a few other doctors come up. "You okay Dr. $name?" Bright asks you. "Don't worry, we'll be out soon. Once we're there, a Mobile Task Force'll come in and fix-"
"-your mess." Dr. Clef cuts him off. "Now, [[let's go|682last]]."
<<set $bright to true>>You leave behind the pot and continue forwards. You can almost see the exit, or so you think. You hear doctors coming behind you as well, some stopping to take care of the pot. [[You think you're almost there|682last]]
<<set $bright to true>><<set $armed to false>>
You shoot the bird, and while its body is blasted away, it seems unharmed. Two doctors quickly go over and grab it, throwing it into the nearest door forcefully and locking it in. Dr. Crow sighs. "Good. We should keep going." He says as he continues on.
[[Guess you should follow him.|682last]]As you try to sneak by, you trip up a bit, and the bird turns to face you. Soon, it flies at you, claws aimed at your face, and mauls you.
[[Do you want to try again?|start]]You go into the containment room, near the far end, and start making loud noises, as Dr. Crow looks away, fearing the worst. The hawk looks at you and flies at you, but you duck out of the way and run towards the door. Once you're out, the door is shut, and you hear a loud thud hit it. It seems the hawk barely didn't make it out. You sigh in relief and [[continue forwards|682last]]As you reach a joining of two hallways, you hear the pounding noise again. Then, in front of what seems to be a door, you see a large, reptillian creature, and it looks angry.
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<<if $bright is true>> Behind you comes Dr. Bright, Dr. Clef, and the other doctors following them, along with a few people in orange jump suits. They stop dead in their tracks once they see the creature, horrified looks on their face. "682's blocking the exit." Bright managed to say. "Uh...we're screwed."
Clef looks at him. "We can think a way out of this...probably."
From the other hall comes another group of doctors, this one led by what seemed to be a canine doctor, Dr. Crow. They stopped in much the same way, and Dr. Crow whimpered. "Oh no." He mutters. He then sees Bright, Clef, and you. "You guys have a plan?" He asks.
<<else>> Behind you comes Dr. Crow and crew. They stop dead in their tracks when they see the creature. "...He let 682 out too." Dr. Crow muttered. He then sees a crew of other doctors, along with a few D-Class, come down the other hall, headed by two men, Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef. "Idiot." He muttered under his breath again. "So, do you have a plan?" He asks you, worried.<</if>>
Do you <<if $armed is true>>[[shoot at the giant beast|lastshot]], <</if>> [[try to run past the beast|runtoexit]], [[distract the beast so the others can get out|sacrificeself]], [[throw another person out there to distract it for you|sacrificedclass]], or [[try to climb on top of and ride the beast|ride]]?You decide that the best course of action is to shoot 682. You get in front of everyone and pull out your gun, firing it at the beast's neck, ripping it away and making it fall to the ground. Everyone around you runs past while you make sure everyone gets out, before the creature starts to rise again, neck regenerating. It bites at one of the orange-clad D-Class in half, and you decide now is the time to run. You run towards the exit and out the building, leaving behind anyone who hadn't got out already. You wait with Clef, Bright, and Crow on a nearby hill as you see a helicopter fly over towards the building, dozens of armed men and women dropping out and going into the building. Finally, it seemed that the Mobile Task Force was here to recontain the creatures within the Site. With that, everything should be able to return to relative normality within a day or so. Well, as normal as this Foundation can be, at least.
"Good job in there, Dr. $name." Clef says to you. "You did a lot more than we really could have asked. We'll make sure to put in a good word for you." He looks at Bright. "And make sure you're held responsible for what you did."
Dr. Bright just chuckles. "Um...sorry?"
[[And so, you got out unharmed. This time. Would you like to play again?|start]]As you try to run out, the beast sees where you exited from and bites your head off, going in for the rest of the staff behind you.
[[You doomed not only yourself, but the others as well. Try again?|682last]] [[Or would you rather start over?|start]]You run out into the middle of the room, making a lot of noise and waving your arms, drawing the beast's attention away from the rest of the doctors. You see them slip away behind the beast as you distract it, running away from its bites and swipes best you can, getting some wound almost every time he attacked, none immediately lethal. After everyone got out, you went to the door, but you're blocked off. "Close it!" You yell to the doctors out side, who hesitate. "I said close it!" You repeat as you barely survive another bite, teeth scoring your chest. Finally, they close it. You sigh as you give up, falling to the ground. As you start to fade out due to the blood loss, 682 looming over you, your only thought is one of gladness that you got everyone out. You would be the last death today.
[[You died, but your memory lives on throughout the Foundation as the man who saved countless lives that day. Would you like to play again?|start]]Almost without thinking, you grab one of the orange-clad D-Classes and throw them across the room best you can, into the sight of 682. He starts to run as the beast chases him, leaving an escape route for you and the other doctors.
Once out, you, Clef, Crow, and Bright wait on a nearby hill, when you see a helicopter fly in and drop in dozens of armed men and women to deal with the containment breach down in the facility. You smile, as you know that within a day or so, everything will be back to as close to normal as the Foundation can get.
Dr. Crow walks up to you. "You did good today Dr. $name. More than some." He said, looking directly at Bright.
"Hey!" Bright responds. "I did some stuff."
"Yeah, like start the whole fiasco in the first place." Clef reminds. "Which O5 will here about, by the way."
Bright sighs. "Whatever. At least we all got out."
[[Yes, at least you got out alive. This time, at least. Would you like to play again?|start]]You run at the beast and to the side as it tries to bite you, ripping your labcoat. You climb onto its back and ride it as it tries to get you off of it, a few doctors trying to get by. Unfortunately, though, he slams you against the wall, breaking your back. As you fall, you see it ripping through the rest of the staff.
Your attempt not only killed you, but most of the doctors that had put their faith in you.
[[Would you like to try a different path,|682last]] [[or would you rather try again from the start?|start]]